Whether you are trying to sell your home or just make it more visually appealing the best place to start is with your curb appeal. Here are 10 DIY projects that will improve your curb appeal and give your home a fresh look!
Paint Your House

Painting your house is the number one way to improve your curb appeal. You can put a fresh coat of the same color and add an accent color to the trim or try something new altogether. Either way, some fresh new paint will do wonders for your home’s curb appeal.
Add A Container Garden

Container gardens are fairly inexpensive and fun to make, not to mention they tend to spruce up any area. What you will need to do is find some fun containers or decorate planters and then add them to the porch or lawn out in front of the house. This will create a fun little garden that will draw people to your home.
Reseed The Lawn

Your lawn can be your biggest asset in your home’s curb appeal or your biggest downfall. If your lawn is dry and patchy then your home will not seem inviting. Consider reseeding your lawn or adding shrubs with mulch in between to really spruce up your curb appeal.
Clean The Gutters

If your gutters are full of debris it is not only bad for your curb appeal but it can also be detrimental to your home. Uncleaned gutters account for house fires, roof damage and leaks and rot and they look terrible to the outside world. Regularly cleaning your gutters can help keep your home in good condition and improve your curb appeal.
Edge The Driveway

This is a fairly simple thing to do or a very complicated one depending on how you choose to edge your driveway. I have seen everything from lawn lights to shrubs, mulch to river stones. Either way, having something to trim the edges of your driveway to give a visual direction to your yard invites people to your home by making it warm and welcoming.
Add Porch Or Patio Furniture

An empty porch says I am moving and I don’t use the porch anyway. Try adding some chairs or a bench with a small table that has a plant on it. Perhaps a couple of throw pillows or a fun door knocker. Even hanging plants can make your home say come on in we love company!
Add A Water Feature

Adding a bird bath, small pond or fountain to your front yard can be a great way to improve curb appeal at very little cost. Not only will it look great in your yard but it will also attract an array of native birds and butterflies to your yard because they know they can grab a drink of water. This will bring your curb appeal to life as squirrels, birds and other wildlife come fluttering in.
Window Boxes
Adding window boxes to your front windows and planting flowers or herbs in them can bring a fresh look to your home. If you are someone that loves to cook having an herb garden right outside the window where you can pick some fresh basil or mint without leaving the house can be a real treat. If you are not a person that likes to cook a splash of color from some seasonal flowers can be just as delightful. Either way, your home’s curb appeal will improve with window boxes.
Hide Necessary Eyesores

Most people have necessary eyesores in their front yards such as electrical boxes or water meters but that doesn’t mean everyone should see them! You can put a potted plant in front of it or a few potted plants to make it look like a little garden or you can purchase a plastic hollow statue and cut the back out of it and put it over the front to make it look like it is just some yard art!
Yard Art

Adding small statues or garden gnomes to your yard can really improve your curb appeal. They can be fun or whimsical or elegant and classy depending on your tastes. If you are not a garden gnome person perhaps a sculpture for your yard or some iron furniture under a tree. This is a great way to spruce up your yard.